For small businesses, maintaining high sales involves keeping their customers satisfied with their experience at all times. That means making sure that they don’t get frustrated or lose interest mid-purchase. And customer service has its challenges when you’re selling online.

Luckily, the right WooCommerce abandoned cart plugins can help businesses overcome these roadblocks. And that’s what we’ll be discussing.

An Achievable Approach To Abandoned Carts

Online customers are famously a tough crowd, as reports show around 7 out of 10 of them abandon their shopping carts. This is a lot more than offline shopping, as most of the dominant sales worldwide occur through brick-and-mortar retail.

However, that doesn’t mean there is no space for new businesses to thrive online. Tackling abandoned carts requires a thoughtful and well-planned approach. After all, the ease and immense choices of online ordering have caused attention spans to plummet and expectations to skyrocket.

What Causes Cart Abandonment?

Experts find that the main reason why cart abandonment is so high online is that buyers might simply want to find a better deal elsewhere, which makes sense. When shopping in person, you don’t quite have the luxury to glide from shop to shop til you find what you’re looking for. Online shopping very much facilitates that.

But that is a trend common among younger shoppers. Among upper age groups, a key concern that leads to abandonment seems to involve shipping costs. The logic here is pretty much the same. However, the problem is usually due to hidden or surprise charges. So, it is generally recommended to keep these details transparent.

Besides these issues, WooCommerce cart abandonment can be due to any of several causes. Poor site speed, unflattering product descriptions, lengthy checkout, or a lack of interest can all contribute. Also, you cannot rule out security issues, even though very few buyers say that that’s why they refuse to purchase something.

Key Areas In Abandoned Cart Recovery

What’s clear is that shopping cart abandonment is impossible to eliminate, no matter what, where, or how you’re selling. But you can certainly mitigate it with abandoned cart emails, fixing customer experience glitches, or offering competitive deals on their products.

However, there are other, more innovative ways to go about this. Here are a few worth considering.


Consider giving away gifts for subscribers or coupons for specific steps in the checkout process. Incentives aside, this is a great way to capture the attention of buyers and convince them to stick a little longer. So, if they’re not interested in buying now, they can do so later.

Mobile-First Design

The rate of shopping cart abandonment among mobile users is the highest in e-commerce, at around 85%. Responsive web design and a robust social media presence can help online stores close this gap.

Smart Upselling And Cross-Selling

These two methods don’t necessarily help fight WooCommerce cart abandonment. But by recommending the right products to the right buyers, you can drastically improve average order values. This can help you break even from the losses of abandonment.


Online shoppers often feel dissuaded if the shopping experience isn’t built according to their preferences or limitations. The solutions range from options like guest checkout to multilanguage store design and more accessible payment methods like debit cards or cash on delivery.


Cart abandonment in most local markets often peaks at certain windows during the day, often around the evening or early nightfall. Plus, online buyers tend to abandon their purchases in the later months, during holidays, than other times of the year.

So, think beyond spending your time and resources on abandoned cart recovery round the clock or calendar. Instead, focusing your efforts during or around these peak times can prove more effective and budget-friendly.

WooCommerce Cart Abandonment – 8 Plugins For You

The following are some premium quality, professionally developed plugins whose support and functions can help you recover lost sales without affecting user experience.

  1. Cart Abandonment Recovery by Cartflows

If you to manage a tight abandoned cart email marketing campaign, this is the plugin for you. Cartflow’s WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery enables businesses to capture emails and set up a tailored marketing campaign. You can personalize emails with custom templates and decide when and how often to send these emails.

The great thing about this tool is that it provides you full control of your email campaign. This feature is free of charge, but it works even better with paid offerings like split testing and and automation.

  1. FunnelKit Automations

Marketing properly and building a sales funnel can work wonders in recovering unfulfilled online shopping carts. It’s also time-consuming and a bit tedious. To rectify that, FunnelKit Automations can help you schedule repetitive yet necessary tasks.

It offers the ability to set up automated marketing and post-purchase sequences, along with compatibility with other e-commerce and cart recovery plugins. You can also create more simple emails and keep tabs on users abandoning their purchases. All in one nifty place.

  1. WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor

Checkout is a vital step in online shopping, and a lot can go wrong if it’s not built for the job. Usually, lengthy or unresponsive checkout can cause buyers to lose interest mid-purchase.

With the WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor, you can finetune this step and create a more steady flow that keeps buyers interested.

You can use the WooCommerce checkout fields plugin to shorten your forms by deleting or hiding fields, implementing a one-page checkout, and making pricing and shipping more transparent.

  1. WPC Smart Wishlist

Customers and online window-shopping enthusiasts often use the online cart as a wishlist rather than complete their purchases. To prevent WooCommerce cart abandonment, the WPC Smart Wishlist provides a more intuitive space for saving their most desired items for later.

It’s fast, customizable, and allows users to share their wishlists. They can even use it to arrange their selected products by name, price, dates, or other relevant details.

  1. GamiPress

GamiPress is the perfect tool for offering rewards and giveaways to your users across their online shopping journey. Gamify your online store by awarding loyal users with points, rewards, or coveted ranks based on things like on-site activity, completing certain actions, or purchases.

  1. Jetpack Boost

Slow loading and unresponsiveness leads to greater shopping cart abandonment, especially on mobile devices. Jetpack Boost speeds up your online store’s performance through CSS optimizaiton, minified media, and lazy loading for larger images. This improves cart fulfilment by mitigating customer frustration, and is also ideal for SEO.

  1. Google Analytics

Sometimes, you need a little more than guesswork to combat lost sales like a pro. Google Analytics can help you track users who initiate purchases without completing them. It generates detailed and visual reports of your sales funnels, peak abandonment, and user sessions.

You can compare these WooCommerce cart abandonment metrics with traffic sources, overall activity, user roles, and the results of split testing checkout and other checkpoints. This provides a clearer picture of how you can address cart abandonment with pinpoint accuracy.

  1. Exit Intent Coupons for WooCommerce

Exit intent forms and popups are a great way to persuade leaving users to stay on the website and complete unfinished purchases. By adding coupons to the equation, you can make this proposition more interesting.With Exit Intent Coupons, you can convince registered customers to stay through discount coupons and delightful offers. This tool enables abandoned cart recovery, increases revenue, and contributes to customer loyalty.


As online buyers get easily distracted or unimpressed, keeping them tuned in to their purchase can be a challenge. But WooCommerce cart abandonment doesn’t need an ultimate solution.

At most, it just requires that online stores address the causes and do their best to provide a solution. And with these tools, they can guarantee just that.


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