Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is Checkout Field Editor compatible with REST API?
Ans: Yes, the Checkout Field Editor plugin offers REST API compatibility. It expands the functionality of your store and provides the custom field data in the REST API end-points.
2. How to get the value of a custom field in PHP code?
The fields created using our plugin are saved in the wp_postmeta table. You can retrieve the value of the custom field from the database by using the below function.

3. Is the plugin compatible with WPML?
Yes, our premium version of the plugin is compatible with WPML.
4. How to translate the plugin text?
You can use the plugin WPML to translate the texts. To know more about using WPML, you can follow the below link:
Alternatively, to translate any text missed out by WooCommerce, you need to create translation files (.mo files) for each language you want to use. You may use the POT file available in the plugin language folder to create the translation files(.po and .mo files).
5. How and where does the uploaded file in the File Upload field will be stored or displayed?
The uploaded file will be displayed as a clickable link on the Thank You page, Order Details page, and so on. So you can view the uploaded file by just clicking on the image link, which will open in a new window. For this, you need to enable the option “Display in Thank You Page“, “Display in Order Detail Pages” and so on inside the field’s Display Settings.
6. Is it possible to make a field required and not required based on some conditions?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to make a field required and not required based on the conditional rule. However, you can create two fields and set one as required and the other as not required and can conditionally show these fields using the Display Rule feature.
7. Is it possible to display time with different intervals, such as 30 minutes or 1 hour?
Yes, it is possible. When using the Time Picker field type in the form, there is a “Time Step” option where users can specify the desired interval, such as 30 minutes or 1 hour, to customize the time selection.

8. Is there a way to change the button text(Upload a File) of File Upload field type?
No, it is not possible to change the button text (“Upload a File”) of the File Upload field type directly.
9. Getting the error message “Internal server error” when trying to place an order
Please note that this error is due to the removal/ disabling of the billing_country/shipping_country field from the checkout page. Please be informed that it is mandatory to have a country field on the checkout page. You can solve this issue by enabling the country field in the billing and shipping section.
Further, if you are selling your products only to few countries and you don’t want to let the customer select other countries from the checkout page. Instead of deleting the default country field, you can achieve your requirement by navigating to WooCommerce>>Settings>>General>>General options>>Selling location(s), select the option Sell to specific countries and select the Countries as per your requirement.
10. I am not able to see a custom field section in order details page to edit the values of custom fields.
Can you please verify whether you are using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin? The Advanced Custom Fields plugin hides the custom fields section on the order detail page for better performance.
Using the below filter we can show the custom fields section on the order details page.
add_filter( ‘acf/settings/remove_wp_meta_box’, ‘__return_false’ );
You can refer to the below link for more details.