Basic Information

This section includes fields to capture essential details for the checkout process. It provides all the options available under the General Setting tab. The properties displayed may vary depending on the selected field type, ensuring a customized experience for your checkout fields.

Field TypeThe type for the field. It could be text, password, text area,file upload, select, checkbox, radio, email, paragraph, etc.
NameUnique name for the field. No two fields can have the same name.
LabelThe display label for the field.
DescriptionDescription for the field. The description is displayed below the field label.
PlaceholderThe placeholder property is a short hint (a sample value or a short description of the expected format) that describes the expected value of an input field. For example, for an email field, the expected format can be displayed. The short hint is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value.
Price Type
Taxable and Tax Class
Add an additional price to the order total based on the field value.
Field WidthThis field allows you to select the field width, offering options for Full-Width or Half-Width layouts.
RequiredIf checked, the field will be set as a mandatory field.
Show/HideThis checkbox controls whether the field is displayed or hidden on the form
Display in EmailsThis checkbox determines if the field should appear in email communications.
Display in Order DetailsThis checkbox enables the field to be displayed in the order details
Do Not Include in Today’s Payment TotalThis checkbox allows you to exclude the field from today’s payment total.

Properties specific to the field types Select, Multiselect, Radio, and Checkbox Group

– Option ValueOption key
– Option TextDisplay label for the option.
– PriceThe extra price added for the option.
– Price TypeThe type of price added to the option.

Properties specific to the field types Time Picker

Min. Time:Set the minimum time for selection in the timepicker (e.g., 12:30 AM). This ensures no time earlier than the specified value can be chosen.
Max. Time:Define the maximum time allowed for selection (e.g., 11:30 PM). This prevents users from selecting a time beyond this limit.
Time Format:Choose between a 12-hour format (e.g., 1:00 PM) or a 24-hour format (e.g., 13:00) for displaying time values.
Time Step:Specify the interval, in minutes (e.g., 30), for incrementing time options in the timepicker dropdown.

Properties specific to the field type File Upload

Accepted File TypesExtensions/formats for the file types that can be uploaded. Multiple formats can be selcted.

Properties specific to the field types Email, Phone

ValidationsThis field ensures that users select either a valid phone number or email. If an invalid email or phone format is entered, the form will not submit until corrected, ensuring accurate contact information.